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Loitering Munitions Demand Skyrockets Amid Russo-Ukrainian Conflict

By Staff Correspondent

The loitering munitions sector has witnessed an eye-popping surge of 525% from 2020 to 2024, largely attributed to the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian hostilities, with annual expenditures poised to breach the $600 million mark in the next few years, a recent study elucidated.

Steve Griessel, Group CEO of defence behemoth, Paramount, remarked on the firm’s flagship N-Raven, touting it as more than just a product. “N-Raven isn’t merely an equipment offering; it’s a transformative technology transfer model, underlining the significance of swift and localised production,” he stated.

Insights From The Study

Paramount’s founder, Ivor Ichikowitz, commented on this European trajectory, “This growth trajectory dovetails seamlessly with our strategic aspirations. Paramount, fortified by decades of experience in asymmetrical warfare, is primed to offer the solutions that the world seeks. Our focus is not just on manufacturing, but on intellectual property licensing and fostering global synergies, with Europe and the UK being primary targets.”

A Glimpse Into N-Raven:

Paramount’s N-Raven is touted as a game-changer in the current defence landscape, conceived for both asymmetrical and conventional warfare scenarios. Its design ethos underscores swift technology transfers, enabling in-country production. The system accentuates aerial surveillance, engagement, and surgical strikes, minimizing soldier exposure to direct confrontations.

Griessel reiterated Paramount’s commitment, “N-Raven mirrors our ethos of nurturing collaborative defence paradigms for the dynamic contemporary landscape. Our avant-garde offering not just elevates capabilities but is also economically attuned to our joint market study.”

Paramount stands tall as a global defence titan with a rich legacy spanning 29 years, dedicated to fostering peace and progress. The firm champions indigenous defence industrial capabilities, facilitating governments with technology transfers and expeditious in-country manufacturing. Paramount has a footprint in 25 nations, establishing defence capabilities worldwide.

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